Top 5 STA-BIL Product Myths Debunked

STA-BIL brand logoIf you’ve ever looked for the best way to add years of life to your lawn equipment, prevent marine engine corrosion, or safely store your classic car, you’ve likely heard of the STA-BIL® BrandOpens a new window.

For more than six decades, the iconic red additive has kept millions of gallons of fuel from going bad and saved thousands of engines from preventable repairs.

But there’s a flip side. Any time a brand becomes widely known, it’s bound to attract creative observations and folklore. We’ve heard them all, from the comical to the absurd. With some myths still floating around, we’ve decided to set the record straight.

Here are the top five myths we’ve heard, and how they’re mistaken:

Myth #1: “STA-BIL contains alcohol.”

STA-BIL fuel treatment productsOpens a new window—including our fuel stabilizer, ethanol treatment, marine formula, and diesel fuel stabilizer—contain proprietary ingredients. While we can’t share the full list (it’s a trade secret), we can tell you that alcohol is NOT one of them.

Our fuel stabilizers and treatments each contain a powerful mix of additives and chemicals that neutralize acids, prevent gasoline from oxidizing, and coat metal surfaces to prevent corrosion.

Every product in the STA-BIL brand family performs a different function. Each one is specially formulated to treat a specific type of fuel, from pure gasoline to ethanol blendsOpens a new window, and every type of engine, from lawnmowers to boats to classic cars.


Myth #2: “STA-BIL products don’t work with ethanol-blended gasoline.”

STA-BIL products treat ALL types of fuel—and that includes every ethanol blend, from E-10 to E-85Opens a new window, as well as pure gasoline and diesel. This is widely known in the Midwestern area of the United States, where our manufacturing plant is based, and ethanol-blended gasoline has been used for decades.

Believe it or not, the rest of the country is still relatively new to the idea of ethanol-blended fuel, which the government began mandating in 2005Opens a new window to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.

The misunderstandings began mostly in warm-weather climates such as the Southeast, where humidity increases the likelihood that water will collect in gas tanks and lead to corrosion. Blended gasoline can heighten this issue because ethanol is an alcohol that absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.

For this reason, corrosion is a huge concern with equipment that tends to sit between uses, like boats or lawnmowers.

three bottles depicting the stages of oil separation

STA-BIL will work in these conditions, as long as you have the right formula (see our answer to myth #3, below). Our special marine formulaOpens a new window is made exclusively for nautical conditions, and the daily-use ethanol treatmentOpens a new window is designed to be used with every fill-up.

Myth #3: “All STA-BIL products are the same, just different colors.”

To be blunt, this myth is false. Each product is specially designed to address and prevent a unique set of problems.

STA-BIL Fuel StabilizerOpens a new window keeps fuel fresh for up to 24 months, making it ideal for long-term engine storage.

STA-BIL 360° ProtectionOpens a new window protects against ethanol-related damage and provides a boost in performance and mileage economy. The product is designed to be used every time you fill-up the tank.

STA-BIL 360° MarineOpens a new window provides defense for engines that perform in high-moisture, water-laden environments with PEA fuel system cleaning agents.

Both STA-BIL 360° formulas will keep fuel fresh for up to 12 months and provide protection to the entire fuel system. So, in the end, it all depends on what you would like to focus on – prolonged longevity, power and fuel economy, or condensation management.

collection of products from STA-BIL

Myth #4: “STA-BIL branded products are just kerosene.”

Here’s our official answer, direct from Chief Chemist and V.P. of Product Engineering Mike Profetto:

“STA-BIL brand additives use a highly-purified petroleum distillate to deliver our additive package to the fuel. This solvent allows the additives to quickly blend completely into the fuel. The additives themselves would be too concentrated to blend easily, especially in cold weather. Use of more flammable solvents like gasoline would make shipping and storage too dangerous. The addition of the recommended dose of STA-BIL product to fuel has always been safe. Dozens of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have confirmed this by testing and recommending our products.”

Myth #5: “STA-BIL Branded Products gunk up carburetors.”

If your equipment’s fuel system is already dirty and you’ve never used a fuel system cleaner, it’s possible the cleaning agents in a STA-BIL product will wash the dirt and grime off walls and into the fuel system. This is a common issue with older equipment and can end up clogging the carburetor.

If you’re facing this problem, we recommend running a high-quality fuel system cleaner through one tank of fuel minimum before you store your vehicle or equipment.

What myths have you heard? Let us know so we can bust them in the comments. 👇

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  • Can Sta Bil 360 be used for diesel engines?

    • No, STA-BIL 360® Performance™ is not recommended for Diesel fuel. However, we do have a product that is specifically for diesel which is STA-BIL® Diesel. For your convenience we have provided the link to the suggested product.

    • Hi Steve, no it cannot. We have a specific STA-BIL Diesel product for that. Here’s the link:
      Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

      • I accidentally added 360 to my diesel tank (I simply grabbed the wrong bottle rather than my Stabil diesel stabilizer). Should I discard this fuel or will it be okay?

        • Hi, Jamie. Adding STA-BIL 360 Protection to diesel one time will not cause any harm. We recommend to still treat the diesel fuel with the STA-BIL Diesel so it can be treated properly. If you have any other questions please contact our Consumer Support Team at

  • Two questions:
    1) At what elevated concentration levels does Stabil become a problem? Is there any value in using more Stabil when storing vehicles for a longer time (more than 1 year).
    2) When storing vehicles for extended time, is Stabil consumed (used up)? If so, should additional Stabil be added each year to the same tank to”refresh” the old fuel?

    • I’d siphon the old out and use it in my daily driver and put fresh stabilized gas back into the stored vehicle.

    • Hello, STA-BIL® Storage keeps fuel fresh for up to 24 months. After the 24 months we recommend either using the fuel or draining. Also, adding more STA-BIL® then the recommended dosage amount does not provide extra benefits or make the storage period longer.

  • The 32 gallon gas tank in my RV has about 26 gallons that are about a month old. I want to stabilize it for the winter, but the instructions on the stabilizer say it must be added to fresh gas. Must I trash 26 gallons?
    Thanks for any advice.
    Doron Antrim

    • Hi Doron, No – you do not have to trash your 26 gallons. You can use the gas. STA-BIL will keep it in its current state and it won’t continue to go bad. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

      • put it in and drive around I have old cars and drive to the store fill it up but put in stilb frist then part it for 8-9 month and cranjk it up and go been using the storage for years and no problems at all use it but it needs to in the carb. so adding it and not drive is not right

    • STA-BIL® Storage keeps fuel fresh for up to 24 months. After the 24 months we recommend either using the fuel or draining. Also, all STA-BIL® products do not make old gas fresh again. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this.Thank you.

  • My husband added stabil to the gas to winterize the mowers, Can I use this gas in my car too?

    • Hello, yes you can use the gas in your car if your husband treated it with STA-BIL 360 Performance, STA-BIL Storage, or STA-BIL Marine. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • 4 questions:
    1. Can Sta Bil diesel fuel treatment be used to treat gasoline? If so, does it make any difference whether the gasoline does or does not contains ethanol?
    2. If my diesel fuel already contains some Sta Bil diesel fuel stabilizer, will there be a problem in adding FPPF Fuel Power for winter storage, after filling the tank with fresh diesel? (FPPF Fuel Power is the product recommended by Yanmar diesel for winter storage of their diesel engines.)
    3. If not opened, what is the shelf life of Sta Bil gasoline fuel treatment and Sta Bil diesel fuel treatment?
    4. Once opened, what is the shelf life of Sta Bil gasoline fuel treatment and Sta Bil diesel fuel treatment?
    Thank you.

    • 1. No. STA-BIL® Diesel is not recommended for regular gasoline -only diesel fuel. The consistency and chemicals are not compatible with regular fuel.
      2. This should be fine, as long as the recommended amount for both is used. Do not overdose!
      3. We recommend using it within 8 years from purchasing.
      4. Once opened, it will have a shelf life of two years.

      Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I have a high performance Corvette running on E85. It’s stored for 4 months a year. What do you recommend.

    • Hello. Use STA-BIL 360® Performance™. It is effective in E85 fuel. It will keep it fresh for up to 12 months and protect against corrosion, rust and any additional condensation that may form due to the high level of ethanol. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I noticed that on the bottle it says, “…for up to 12 months.” But here you say, “STA-BIL® Storage fuel stabilizer keeps fuel fresh for extended periods – up to 24 months.
    So, which is it?

    Also, I have some left over about 2 years old. Will it hurt to use it instead of dumping it?

    • We have tested STA-BIL® Storage and determined that it will keep fuel stabilized for 24 months. This is reflected on all new labels. However, this also applies to older labels. You can certainly use the product you have as it should still be good to use after about 2 years. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Can I use my Stabil Marine 360 in my motorcycle which will sit for approximately 5 months during the winter?

    • Hi Cee,
      Yes you can – just be sure to use the correct treatment ratio. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I just bought a new Honda generator for use during power blackouts, and am looking for the right Sta-Bil product to keep the gas clean, water-free, and ready to power my genny when a big winter storm knocks the power lines down — which happens every winter up here. My house is in a heavily forested area north of San Francisco — a very humid environment with heavy fog, mist, and around 60 inches of rain each year. Under these moist conditions, I’m thinking that Sta-Bil Marine formlua might work best for me. What do you think?

    • Hi Micheael,
      STA-BIL 360 Marine is specially formulated for high-humidity environments so yes, you are correct. That would be the best product for your generator in your environment. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I’ve got a vw based sand rail that sits for the most part during the winter months, only occasionally started and running 110 octane gas. What Stabil product would be most appropriate for this application?

    • STA-BIL® Storage or STA-BIL ® Performance™ would be appropriate for stabilizing the fuel to keep it as fresh as possible for infrequent use.

  • Is there an expiration on using sta-bil? Does it have to be used within a certain time?

    • Hi Ken, all STA-BIL products have a shelf life of two years from the time of opening. Please contact us at if you have any questions. Thank you.

  • I have a full tank of fuel in my boat and was thinking about adding Sta-Bil. Do I need to mix the Sta-Bil with the fuel in some way or does the Sta-Bil disperse when added to the fuel in the tank? Also, do I need to start the outboard motor to run the Sta-Bil/fuel mix through the system?

    • Hi Neil, all you have to do is run your engine for about five minutes after adding the STA-BIL and you will be all set! Please email us at if you have any questions! Thank you.

  • I heard that stabil was just an enzyme and has to be agitated every so often to work. ive used stabil storage every winter and never had a problem. just curious about a friends claim.

    • Hi Jeff, No. STA-BIL is a petroleum based product that will dissolve itself in gasoline without the need to shake, stir, or swish the fuel. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you!

  • I have a Class C Motor home with a Ford V10. It also has an Onan 400KW generator. I use a couple times a year Sea Foam to clean things up. My question is I am thinking of applying Sta-Bil in the fuel tank for the time it sets this winter. I have already put the recommended amount of Sea Foam in the fuel tank. Would you think it is safe to put both products together??

    • Hi Phil, as they are both petroleum based it should be fine. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this, thank you.

  • I use sta- bil storage for my antique motorcycles to preserve the fuel and protect against ethanol damage to carburetors and associated parts. Is this the right product or should I be using performance?

    • Hi John, we recommend using STA-BIL Storage for long term storage while the motorcycle is not in use. If you still use it regularly, we would recommend STA-BIL 360 Performance. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • How long is a bottle of sta bil “good”? I have a bottle I purchased 3 years ago is it still usable? It is not in fuel.

    • Hi Tom,
      All STA-BIL Products have a shelf life of two years from the time of opening. If unopened, it is still good to use as long as there are no sediments or solids at the bottom of the bottle. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Hello,

    I recently purchased a dirtbike for my daughter. I’m very involved with the machine. I bought a new carb, fuel petcock and fuel line for it when I bought the bike (used machine) due to the gum and varnish buildup, and cleaned out the tank with carb cleaner prior to filling it up. As far as gas for all the toys, my routine (I never deviate from this, no exceptions) is to put 3 ounces of STABIL STORAGE in a 5 gallon plastic motorsports jug and then fill with exactly 5 gallons of 91. I use the gas as needed on the rides, and pour the leftover gas from the motorsport jug into the cars. I am about 50/50 as to whether or not the bikes’ gas tanks are emptied. I do if they are going to sit for a few months, otherwise, I leave the gas in the tanks. They sit on average a few weeks to a month at a time without running. The problem I am having is I still have to disassemble the carb on the little bike and clean it frequently so that it runs properly. It’s by no means a lot of crud and varnish, but there is definitely a green film inside the entirety of the carb. My question is this: should I be using STABIL 360, or will the STABIL STORAGE perform the same? I will not need 24 months of protection, but if the STORAGE is superior, I will keep using that. Is there anything else I can do to correct this with fuel additives? I’m thinking about switching to race fuel just for the cleanliness, but it comes with it’s own issues (no detergents or lubes for the engine). Thoughts? P.S. – I’m really looking for a more technical answer, not an advertising one. If there are additives more suited, I’ll use those… If there is no way to entirely keep the fuel from degrading, I’ll probably switch to a more controlled fuel… Would draining the bike’s tank after every use remove the requirement to use a stabilizer, or will I still have residues in the carb? Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    • Hi Tai. For long-term storage we would recommend STA-BIL Storage. For more every-day usage we would recommend STA-BIL 360 Peformance. It has a vapor corrosion inhibitor that will protect your fuel tank both above and below the fuel line. We also do not recommend draining your fuel tank. We recommend keeping it 95% full and treating it with STA-BIL before storage. Please contact us at if you have any questions. We are happy to help.

      • Tai, you’re doing an awful lot of work for very little benefit.

        First off, if you’re having to rebuild your dirtbike’s carburetor all the time, I’m guessing it’s not a name brand carb/dirtbike. I have a 1987 Honda XR80R, and a Honda EZ90 (Cub), which have never had the carbs rebuilt, and sit sometimes for years between starts, and the 80 usually starts and runs on the 2nd or third kick. The Cub is a little more finicky, but it will always start. My recommendation would be to find a comparable Mikuni or Keihin carb and use that on your dirtbike.

        Second, if you’re using fuel stabilizers, why are spending the extra money for high-octane, ethanol-free gas? I recently switched to ethanol-free gas for use in my small engines (mowers, dirtbikes, chainsaws, etc.) and in my 1950s Farmall tractor. Where I live, I can get ethanol-free 87 and 89 octane fuels, though the 89-octane ethanol-free is a more readily available. IMO, if you’re buying ethanol-free gas, fuel additives aren’t that important. Save yourself some money by either buying cheaper fuel or skipping the additives.

        Lastly, if and when you store your dirtbike, the best thing to do is to drain the carburetor of gas, then fill the gas tank with fresh gas, and add fuel stabilizer if you like. It’s not necessary to drain your tank of fuel every year. When you put the bike away, shut off the fuel, crack the drain screw until the carburetor is empty, then start the bike and run it until it dies (maybe a few seconds), then set the choke and start it again, letting it run until it dies. This clears all the fuel from the jets and choke circuit, so nothing gets plugged up while it sits. When you get it back out, simply turn the fuel back on and I’d bet within a kick or two, she’ll fire right back up!

  • Does Stabil harm the catalytic converter??

    • Hi Walt, No. Neither will it negatively affect sensors or any part of the fuel system. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • i use stabill 360 in all the boats and eqipment at the boat yard my question is at what point does over dose become aproblem some times coustomer already put it in and dont tell me

    • Hi Dave, it is ok if you over treat by two or even three times the recommended amount. Please let us know if you have any questions at

  • I have read that, if my treated gas with Stabil is shaken, it will lose it’s ability to protect the gasoline.
    Is this true ?

    • Hi Paul. STA-BIL does not separate from the fuel or is affected by the fuel’s movement. It will still work even if the vehicle is being driven. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Is there any harm done if I out too much fuel stabilizer in about a ounce too much

    • Hi Mike, there is no harm in over treating by two or even three times the recommended amount. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I’m using Sta-bil for the first time and was wondering how much I should use for one gallon, as that is the size of my gas can. Would it cause problems if I just dumped in one ounce for 1 gallon?

    • Hi Wayne, you should be good with 1/2 ounce of STA-BIL if your fuel tank is only a gallon. It is ok if you accidentally over treat by two or even three times the recommended amount. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I regularly use STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer for Gasoline in all my vehicles, and Power Equipment. I want to ensure that water from condensation in the tank is also eliminated. Does STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer for Gasoline also do this, or can you recommend another Gold Eagle product which I can use regularly along side STA-BIL Fuel Stabilizer for Gasoline to eliminate water from condensation. Thanks!

    • Hi Mark, If the main concern is to prevent condensation issues such as corrosion, rust and water accumulation, while keeping the fuel fresh up to 12 months, we highly recommend treating your fuel with STA-BIL 360® Performance. STA-BIL® Storage (red) is focused only on long-term stabilization (up to 24 months). Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I have used for years lots have had cars sit for up to 3 years . no problem
    but I take and fill them up with no alac. gas (boat gas) then add stilli-bil to it . 8 month is the normal for me to store then I can switch out or winter and summer. never had a problem . it works … I put it in and then fill it up…. by the time I get home it is in carb.

  • Should Sta-Bil be discarded at the end of the summer season if it has been stored in a hot location, such as a closed shed?

    • No. STA-BIL can withstand extreme conditions (up to 150°F) without it being affected. We still recommending using within 2 years of opening for best results.Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • What do you recommend for a snow blower.
    I’m currently using the Storage (red) do I also need to use the Ethanol treatment or is the red enough?

    • Hi Bryan,
      for storing your snowblower during the off-season we would recommend STA-BIL Storage. When it is in-use during the snowy months, we would recommend STA-BIL 360 Performance. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Do I add the Sta Bil 360 Marine to the 5 gal. gas can I am poring from (pre mix) or directly into the boat tank which holds 80 gal. ?

    • Hi Rol, you can do either. We recommend treating the gas can itself so that all the fuel is treated as soon as you get it. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • STA-BIL(R) 1 Gal RV & Marine Premium Antifreeze , Why did it freeze at 5 * above . Will it burst my pipes ? It says it is good for -75

    • Hi Gary, STA-BIL® RV & Marine Antifreeze will become “slushy” or even become solid at low temperatures. This is completely normal. The concentration of ingredients in the formula that will protect a system against bursting or cracking in as low as -75° F will appear to become solid (crystalize -not freeze) in as low as +10°F (-12°C). Should this happen, simply thaw at room temperature until it regains its liquid state and use as directed. As temperature rises, and the system is ready to be used again, the remaining antifreeze will be ready to be flushed normally. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Is it OK to use the rest of a bottle of out dated StaBil in my boat gas tank?

    • Hi Ken, all STA-BIL Products have a shelf life of two years from the time of opening. If unopened, it should still be good for 8-10 years as long as there aren’t any solids or sediments at the bottom. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Have a high end Honda generator stored in my shed. Use Stabil in the gas at twice the recommended ratio since I keep that tank filled year round. I do run the generator for 45 min. – 1 hr. /month to keep things lubricated and make starting easier. For Winter ease of starting (have electric starter) would any harm be done by adding Heet to the tank, or would this be redundant in preventing gas line freeze-up since the only gas available in this area is E-10?

    • We’d suggest having HEET® available should the lines freeze up. HEET® is not intended for long-term storage. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

    • Cliff, since you are using Stabil in your gas, there is no need to run your generator monthly. You can let it sit for a year or more-till you need it. No need to waste all that gas.

  • I ride a 2004 V Star 1100, is it safe for my bike and if so which one would I use. I start my bike 1-2 times a week. Unable to ride here in Maryland. Thank you, Carla

  • Just had a snow thrower salesman tell me that Sta-Bil had alcohol in it, and not to use it. Wanted me to buy a special “storage fuel” that they sell.

    • STA-BIL® Brand stabilizer does not have alcohol and is perfectly safe to use in a snow blower –even if it is a 2-cycle.

  • I store my motorbike at an indoor storage facility which requires that I drain all the gasoline from the tank before storage. Each time after taking the bike out of storage I have trouble running the scooter because the carburetor is all gunked up. Would Stabil help and how do I use it if I need to drain the gasoline from the tank before putting it into storage?

    • Hi John, STA-BIL works best when added to a full tank of fuel before being stored. However, if the storage facility requires an empty tank, we still recommend running STA-BIL 360® Performance because of the Vapor Technology, which coats the entire fuel system preventing corrosion and rust, and stabilizes (as much as it can be done) any fuel residue left in the system. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

  • Is it ok to use your product all the Time even when it’s not being stored?

    • Hi Richard, yes – STA-BIL is ok to use all year round. For storing equipment/vehicles, we would recommend using STA-BIL Storage (red). Then, when your equipment/vehicle is being used every day or regularly, we would recommend STA-BIL 360 Performance. Please let us know if you have any questions about this at

  • Can Stabil products designed for diesel fuel be used in Kerosene?

  • I heard that if you put stable in a gas tank and the wind blows over the gas tank it increases the condensation in the gas tank

    • Hi Jack. Outside conditions would have minimal to no effect on a gas thank that has been properly sealed. Condensation happens with the humidity that is inherently in fuel, and the space available in the tank. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this.

  • Hi, can STA-BIL Diesel be used in home heating oil tanks? Thanks

    • Hi Paul, While this product was not specifically developed for this purpose, it is safe to use Diesel Formula STA-BIL® in Home Heating Oils. It will work well at keeping the burners clean, removing any water in the fuel and will also help stabilize the fuel, if stored for periods of time. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

      • Does this also include Kerosene?

        • Hi Rob, STA-BIL in Kerosene is not recommended. STA-BIL is only for gasoline (non-ethanol, ethanol and 2 cycle). Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

          • I’m guessing he was asking about using Sta-bil Diesel in kerosene.

  • Can marine grade sta-bil ethanol fuel treatment go bad in the container. I have a bbottle that is no longer the blue color, it is now is a brown color. This is the first time I’ve seen this. Is it OK to use? Thanks Dennis

    • Hi Dennis, Each bottle is good for two years from the time of opening. Unopened, it is good for 5 years. It is normal for the dye of the liquid to change color and this is no indication of the product’s efficiency. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Does Sta Bil perform well with 2 cycle gas/oil mixes over extended periods of time ?

    • Yes. STA-BIL is effective in all 2-cycle mixes. If treated, the fuel mix will be good for the recommended storage time and the fuel will perform as expected in the equipment. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Houston Texas area, high humidity, just bought a John Deere Zero Turn Mower, 22hp Briggs and Stratton.
    Which product will be most effective in helping with engine longevity and if I pick your marine grade product will it hurt it since it’s not a marine engine

    • Hi John, it is ok to use on your mower. Our marine formula is more concentrated so we recommend paying close attention to the dosage rates. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

  • I use sta-bil year round in all my lawn equipment and in my back up generators. I always keep about 25 gallons of gas that has been treated with Sta-Bil for my generators. Even though I know that the gas will be fine for 24 months. Every six months I take the stored gasoline and put it in my daily driver. I don’t know if Sta-bil has something to do with this, but I have a 16 year old mower that has been running on the same spark plug since it was new. It’s still starts on the second pull. Stable fuel treatment is a top rated product in my books. Thank You.

    • Stan, there is no need whatsoever to use up that treated fuel every 6 months. Treat the fresh fuel with Stabil as usual and you can confidently leave it for over a year. The Stabil team now say two years!

  • I got a motorcycle that has been stored in a garage for 8 months now. There was no additives added to prolong the life of the gas. The owner always used top tier gas in it. Can a fuel stabilizer help restore the fuel or would it be to late and would it be better to just drain the tank?

    • Unfortunately, STA-BIL will not restore or revitalize this fuel. STA-BIL is meant to be used when the fuel is as fresh as possible to keep it that way for an extended period of time. At this point, perhaps it would be best to properly dispose of this fuel and start fresh to avoid engine issues. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I don’t know if we will be able to use our boat this year. The mechanic says the stabilizer can’t sit trough the summer it will gunk things up. It was out in last fall. Is this trie?

    • Hi Lee, No. STA-BIL Brand is designed to keep the fuel in the fuel system ready to use within the storage time (24 months for STA-BIL Storage and 12 months for 360 formulas) without having to drain the tank. It does not clog or “gunk up” any part of the system. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • How long does stabilizer last if the gas has not been used?

    • Hi Ronald, STA-BIL® Storage will keep the fuel fresh for up to 24 months in storage. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • I have a Mercury outboard 115 hp that has less than 40 hrs operating time. For the winter storage I added double the concentration of stabil 360 marine, then filled the tank with 30 gallons of gas upon advice of a mercury mechanic. Starting the motor this spring the engine runs rough, will not idle, and is hard to start. Any chance the rich mix SB 360 is causing the problems?

    • Hi Jeff, S360M would not have any negative effects-even at 2 times the dosage amount. Please contact us at should the problem continues to see if we can offer any assistance or suggestion.

  • I have a couple bottles of the older Sta-Bil fuel stabilizer (not for ethanol fuels). Will it “gunk up” my fuel system if used with ethanol E10 gasoline? If so, I can’t use it. How do I dispose of it?

    • Hi Bill, Even if the STA-BIL product has exceeded its shelf life, which is 4 years from date of manufacture or 2 years once it has been opened, it can certainly be used in fuel for its cleaning benefits. However, we recommend checking that there is no sediment, gunk or flakes in the liquid, which in such case dispose of the product in accordance to local rules and regulations (call your local City Services) as it is an petroleum-based product.

  • I heard another myth I would like clarifying on. This is what someone at the marina told me, just as I was about to pour some Stabil 360 Marine into my well maintained 2004 Yamaha 60 4 stroke:
    “Do not use Stabil 360 Marine in there, you know that thing where they say it ‘coats above the fuel line’, that will coat all the insides of you motor and ruin it! Coating the inside of the tank is fine, but not the components of the motor!”.
    So there I was putting the lit back on the bottle and throwing it back in my car.
    True? or Myth?
    I really like your product, but before moving forward on my expensive investment, I would like Stabil to clarify on this.
    Thank you.

    • Hi John, This is not true. STA-BIL 360 Marine does not have any negative affect or would damage any part of the fuel system, components and sensors. It has been thoroughly tested for safety and efficiency. The coating is more of a rust inhibitor –not an actual layer that would “ruin” any part of an engine. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at

  • If I use a higher dose of Sta-Bil than what’s recomended on the label, will the gasoline/petrol stay fresh even longer? Or am I just wasting money by doing that?

    • Hi Louis, adding more then the recommended amount will not provide any extra benefits. However, over-dosage is safe but we do not recommend adding more then 4 times the recommended amount. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this.

  • you state STA-BIL has a shelf life of 2 yrs, and if it keeps gas fresh for 2 years. In that case if I’m using a bottle that I opened 1 yr ago, will it only keep gas fresh for 1 yr?

    If I have a bottle that has been open for 20 months, should I not use for a mower that I plan to store for one yr?

    • Hi Marc, STA-BIL Storage will keep the fuel fresh up to 2 years as long as it is used within 2 years of opening it. If used when the bottle has been opened for 20 months, it will still stabilize the fuel for up to 2 years. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Wanted to bounce off the question from the person in San Fran and Sta-Bil use in a back-up generator. I’m in Florida and don’t have the weather issues mentioned in CA. Here, it’s just hot and humid. So what is the best Sta-Bil product for this application?

    • Hi Craig, for storage we would recommend the red STA-BIL Storage for your generator. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this. Thank you.

  • Can I use stabil 360 marine with ethanol stabilizer in my boat gas that is non-ethanol gas with oil injection outboard


    • Hi and thank you for the question! We recommend STA-BIL® Storage because this will keep the fuel fresh for up to 24 months (the longest amount STA-BIL® will keep fuel fresh). If you have any further questions please email consumer support at

  • Hello. Will adding Sta-Bil to 6 month old gasoline help in any way to prevent further deterioration of the fuel? Could doing this actually cause increased deterioration of the fuel at this point? Please note that this applies to a car that became inoperable 6 months ago. I had originally planned to treat the fuel immediately, but never got around to it. Given where I need to have the car parked, I can’t drain the gasoline, so I wondered if adding Sta-Bil to the car’s 6 month old gasoline could at least help my situation. Thank you.

    • Hello! Adding STA-BIL® to older fuel will not make that fuel fresh again but it will help to keep it as is. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • E85, as I am converting my drag race bracket car to E85, I have heard so many horror stories, ie milky oil from moisture in e85, WHat is best to use on E85 and why?

    • Hello! If you want to stabilize your fuel and/or add protection against rust and other ethanol-related issues, we recommend checking STA-BIL 360 Performance. It is compatible with all ethanol blends –including E85. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Should I use sta-bil with non-ethanol premimum ethanol?

    • Hello! Yes, it is perfectly OK to use STA-BIL® with non-ethanol fuel. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I just put sta-bil fuel stabilizer for gas into my small diesel engine. will it hurt the engine and should I remove it.

    • Hello! No, adding regular STA-BIL® to Diesel fuel one time will not cause any harm. However, we still recommend to add STA-BIL® Diesel to the fuel so that it can be treated properly. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • What health precautions must one take while using this product

    • Hello, we recommend to follow the directions on the back of the label. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Can you use Sta-Bil 360 Marine in the cars regular gas?


    • Hello! Yes it is perfectly OK to use in your cars gas and even small engines!

  • Moto-Master concentrated fuel stabilizer (Canadian Tire’s own brand) is the same colour and recommended usage ratio as your Stabil. You are the major supplier to them. Do you manufacture it for them?

    • Hi, Steve! No, we do not supply or manufacture their product. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Hello

    I recently added Sta Bil.for storage of fuel. Do I still need to add the ethanol treatment when I am ready to use it in my quads.
    Thank You

    • Hello! Yes, since STA-BIL Storage does not provide protection against ethanol blended fuels then you will want to add the ethanol treatment. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Do you have a new product out called Rust Stop ? or something similar.

  • Is the following statement true about Sta-bil? I read this on
    “The problem with [Sta-bil] is that is if the fuel gets bumped, moved, or shifted in any way, that thin film breaks and does not re-seal itself, letting that air and moisture get to your fuel.
    Please advise, thanks.

    • Hi, Don. STA-BIL® does not create a “seal”. It fully dilutes itself in the fuel to prevent the fuel from oxidizing or going stale. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Is Sta-bil Diesel harmful to Gasoline and engines in place of Sta-bil Marine? why or why not?

    • Hello! STA-BIL® Diesel is not recommended for regular fuel because it is specifically designed for Diesel fuel. Also, if you use STA-BIL Diesel in regular fuel daily/monthly you may experience performance issues. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • can i use reguler star bil in my boat ? do they both get rid of water

  • I’ve heard that StaBil only floats on the surface and keeps air out of the fuel. That’s it. Can’t see how it protects the fuel system if that’s true.

    Also heard that Seafoam will ruin carburetor vacuum diaphragms.

    • Hi, Thomas. This is not true. STA-BIL® fully dilutes itself into the fuel and prevents the fuel from oxidizing (going stale). If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at Then in regards to Seafoam, we recommend contacting them directly.

  • Can I add Sta-Bil to 50:1 fuel?

    • Hello! Yes, you can certainly add STA-BIL® to 50:1 fuel.

  • I have used your products,Storage and Performance 360° ,I’ve used Performance 360° in my past cars,I now have a’01 Prius Hybrid and want to know if it’s ok to use it in this car?
    I am using Storage in the gas for Snow Blower(Troy Bilt) and Honda Generator l,I have used 360°,but used that upand was unable to buy more and had to use Storage,should I use up the Gas with Storage in it before switching back to Sta-Bil 360°?
    You have Very Good Products,well worth the Money!

    • Hi, John! Yes, STA-BIL Storage and 360 are compatible with hybrid vehicles that take up to E85 Fuel. They can be mixed so it is OK to treat the fuel if it has already been treated with Storage. Over dosage (within reason) is safe. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Can stabil be used in a dual fuel generator? Regular gas and propane.

    • Hi, Mark. Yes, simply add it to the gasoline. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • For a marine inboard diesel; can STA-BIL diesel and STA-BIL diesel biocide be mixed?

  • which is best for winter storage (6 months) of boat fuel (<10% ethanol), regular stabil or marine stabil?

  • I spilled Stabil fuel stabilizer in my concrete driveway. Will it stain permanently? Do I need to clean it? If so, how? Thanks!

    • Hi, Ted. STA-BIL® will eventually evaporate, although this can take some time. For asphalt or concrete, you may use mineral spirits and the rinse with high-pressure water. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Can stable stabilizer be used in Coleman’s white gas for heaters and lanterns?

    • Hi, Craig. We do not recommend STA-BIL® for this type of application or use. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I bought a new generator, and the guy at harborfreight told me not to use it, despite the owners manual specificly saying warranty would be voided if u didn’t. Who to believe!?

  • Is STA-BIL 360 performance safe for oxygen sensors and catalytic converters of new cars. I could not find this listed on the STA-BIL 360 performance information. Thanks for your time.

    • Hello, STA-BIL Storage, STA-BIL 360 Performance/Protection and STA-BIL 360 Marine are all safe to use in a modern vehicle. They will not harm any part of the fuel system, including any sensors, rubber parts and catalytic converters. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Do I need A stabilizer If I only use non-ethanol gas in my Corvette?

    • Hi, Frank. STA-BIL can be used in both ethanol and non-ethanol. If you plan to store your fuel we do recommend to use STA-BIL so the fuel will stay fresh. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at


    • Hi, Steve. STA-BIL® Brand does not damage or interfere with any part of the fuel system, including oxygen sensors. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • 1I would like to know what product is best for my boat. I live in Colorado and would like to store my boat for the winter. Currently have 1/4 tank of 91 octane with 10% ethanol and mixed it with 3/4 tank of 91 octane with no ethanol.

    • Hi, Christian. We recommend STA-BIL 360 Marine. This will keep fuel fresh for up to 12 months during storage. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Hi- Some “mechanics” in our area have mentioned that Sta-bil can damage rubber components like fuel lines or diaphragms in carburetor. I have used Sta-bil for 25 years in many vehicles but with a lot of products now coming from China- I need to ask the experts. Thank you- Paul

    • Hi, Paul. This is absolutely not true. STA-BIL® Branded products do not contain alcohol or harsh chemicals that would damage any part of the fuel system and engine. This includes seals, gaskets, rubber and metal components. Also, it does not interfere with sensors and catalytic converters. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Can I use sta-bil in my portable generator

    • Hi, Diane. Yes, it is perfectly OK to use STA-BIL in your portable generator.

  • Does the fuel stabilizer itself go bad, or expire? Ie. If I have a bottle that’s 10 years old, is it still good?

    • Hi, Andrew. STA-BIL Products have a shelf life of 2 years once the bottle has been opened. So we do not recommend to use the 10 year old bottle you currently have. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I have heard if you use stabil in a vehicle and later move the vehicle the stabil has been compromised and no longer will work.

    • Hi, Brent. No, that is absolutely not true. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Does Stabil diesel formula winterize #2 diesel?

    • Hi, Ted. Yes, this will keep fuel fresh for storage up to 12 months. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • What happens if an ounce of sta-bil too much is added to a tank of gas?

    • Hi, Tom. Over-dosage is perfectly OK. We just do not recommend to add more than 4 times the recommended amount. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Can sta bit cause gas to turn green in color ?

    • Hi, Rick. STA-BIL will not turn the fuel a different color. However, you may see a color change in the product itself because of the dye and chemical. That is completely normal and does not change the efficiency of the product. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Which Sta-Bil product should I use to stabilize 100 gallons of “plus” echanol-containing fuel in by boat fuel tank over the winter? Also, how many ounces of your recommended product should I use? Thank you.

    • Hi, John. We recommend STA-BIL 360 Marine. This can be used in any fuel and will protect against ethanol. Also, this can be used at every fill-up as well for storage and will keep the fuel fresh for up to 12 months. The recommended dosage amount is 1 oz. per 10 gallons. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I have a classic car. I have been using your storage formula but realized it doesn’t fight against ethanol problems. Does it matter if i use your 360 or marine formulas? Is one better than the other or worse? Do they prevent phase separation? A friend of mine used your product on his motorcycle and said he saw leaks in the fuel connections when he first used it after storage. Any thoughts on it?
    Thank You

    Thank You

    • Hi, William. You can certainly use the STA-BIL 360 Marine or STA-BIL 360 Protection in your classic car. Both of these will provide you protection against ethanol. Also, these can be used at every fill-up and for storage and will keep the fuel fresh for up to 12 months. The difference between these two is that the STA-BIL 360 Marine is a little stronger to prevent condensation in the fuel. Also, STA-BIL will not harm any part of the fuel system, including any sensors, rubber parts and catalytic converters. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I accidentally added 8 ounces of Sta-Bil storage to 13 gallons of non-ethanol gas in my BMW Z3. Is the extra 3 ounces added going to be an issue. Also, the bottle indicated it treats all ethanol blended fuels. Will it also work with non-ethanol fuels? Thanks in advance!

    • Hello! Over-dosage is safe and will not cause any harm. We just do not recommend to add more than 4 times the recommended amount but in your situation it is OK. Also, yes STA-BIL will work in both ethanol and non-ethanol. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I have a Yamaha waverunner. I use only ethanol-free gas. Do I need to use Sta-bil for the winter?

    • Hi, Patsy. Yes, you can certainly still use STA-BIL in non-ethanol fuel. This will keep this gas fresh for storage. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I have a Honda Rebel 250cc air cooled parallel twin MC that runs on 87 octane regular gas. I want to use the correct Sta-Bil product to keep my carb and fuel line clean and to stabilize my fuel during periods of decreased use – NYC winters where the roads are iced over or salted beyond belief. I don’t intend to store the bike for extended periods – it will remain in the driveway awaiting days where we have passable roadways. Can you advise me as to which product I should use? TIA!

    • Hello, to keep the fuel as fresh as possible for at least 12 months and to prevent corrosion and condensations issues, we’d rather recommend STA-BIL 360 Protection. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • I recently heard that Stabil treated gasoline deveops mold within ten days and that we should not use it. Ever!

    • Hello, STA-BIL® does not encourage or promote fungi growth. Water/condensation is the main reason why an infestation of biological growth may occur. In fact, if you are using STA-BIL 360 Protection, it will help prevent fungi because it manages water/condensation which is essential for fungi to grow.

  • I own a convertible driven mainly in summer & fall, I use ethonal free premium gas should I still use a gas stabilizer?

    and if so which one?

    • We recommend STA-BIL 360 Protection. This can be used at every fill-up and for storage and will keep fuel fresh for up to 12 months. Also, this will provide protection against ethanol.

  • You don’t need STABIL in non ethanol fuel?

    • Hi, Joseph. We still recommend to use STA-BIL in non-ethanol fuel because it will keep the fuel fresh for storage.

  • so what is happening to the product after being in opened bottle after two years? does it still protect? does the concentration need to be increased?

    • Hello, after you open any STA-BIL® Product we recommend to use within two years for best results. After, the two years it will not be as effective for storage purposes but as long as there is no sediment or flakes you may use it as a fuel system cleaner. If you have any further questions please contact consumer support at

  • Can I add Sea Foam to boat gasoline that has Sta Bil marine treatment . I use Sta Bil marine in every fill up

    • Hi, Daniel. Yes, you can combine them because STA-BIL® is compatible with other additives. We recommend to stick to the recommended dosage amount.

  • I use stabil in my car and golf cart that I have in the Bahamas. We get there one or two times a year. Question is fuel here is not great, I have never had an issue with the stabil, but would also like to add a Carb cleaner made by NAPA…that is what is available here. can I use them side by side in the same tank?

    • Hi, Jim. Yes, STA-BIL® is compatible with other additives. We recommend to stick with the recommended dosage amount.

  • i put one 16 ounce bottle in around 20 gallons of gas. will it hurt that i went over the recommended amount by that much?

    • Hi, Milton. Typically over-dosage is safe and wont cause any harm. However, we do not recommend to add more than 4 times the recommended dosage amount. If this does happen then we recommend to dilute the fuel. If you have any other questions please contact consumer support at

  • Is it safe for catalytic converters?

    • Hi, Victor. Yes. STA-BIL Brand and all of our fuel additives are safe for catalytic converters.

  • Been using Sta-bil for years is Florida , never had a problem with my fuel going bad even when left 6-9 months.
    I do have a problem I require help with regarding cleanup. Just bought a new boat and put Sta-bil in just before last boat ride for a while and dripped some (thought I got it all wiped up) down over fibreglass, plastic and rubber rub rail. The fibreglass and plastic cleaned up with a detergent but the rubber insert has turned yellow streaks. I have tried soap, acetone and bleach with no luck, any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you
    Steve Millar

    • Hi, Steve. Unfortunately, stains of this nature are very difficult to remove. First, get some Tide liquid concentrate laundry detergent. Pour enough detergent onto the affected area to create suds. Using a brush, gently brush the detergent into the affected area and allow it to sit overnight. Flush with tap water and evaluate the area. Repeat if necessary. This procedure is a last-ditch option. Please note the dye used in STA-BIL is petroleum based. This means once the material has absorbed the dye, stains become next to impossible to remove.

  • Will this product hurt my converter and 02 sensor ???

    • Hi, Jeff. Nope, it wont affect these or hurt them!

  • Running a vintage Alfa Romeo. Despite using an ethanol removal kit & lead additives, filter and carburetor regularly fill with reddish deposits, causing engine petrol starvation. Main petrol tank had been cleaned out but deposits persist . Tank is metal but deposits do not look like rust. Would STA-BIL stop this or what other advice would you give?

    • Hello! STA-BIL does feature a fuel system cleaner. However, it is a mild cleaner and its effectiveness may depend on how heavy the sediment may be. It is still recommended to keep using fuel system cleaners and conduct preventive maintenance at proper schedules.

  • Further to my previous, from a quick examination of the deposits looks to be reddish brown color but of light constitution. Main petrol tank removal would be impractical as appears to necessitate inadvisable body
    As advised previously , the tank was reportedly cleaned during a garage restoration some year or so back, but on account of need to deal with several problems subsequently arising with the car, it had had little use since and the tank had been drained a number of times, yet these deposits continue to be found even after regularly short journeys. Anticipate an ethanol related problem or possibly contaminant from a petrol additive, albeit usage of an ethanol removal kit ought to have solved the former and petrol additives should be unlikely to cause this problem, which has manifested itself subsequent to the garage restoration (fitting of electronic ignition, which found to be no good as gave rise to substantial increase in running temperatures, so removed dealing with that problem.,


  • Is it better to measure the Sta-Bil into an empty gas can and then add the fuel, or pump the fuel into the can and top with the Sta-Bil? Or does it matter at all?

    • Hi, Nate. Either way the STA-BIL will dilute the same!

  • I have been using the regular red Stabil for years on advise from a friend and have not had outboard engine or small engine carburetor problems even once. I took pride in being able to clean/overhaul my carbs while friends had to pay hundreds for outboard motor repairs. Now I only occasionally repair small engine carbs for my friends and family who do not use Stabil. I will make the switch to Stabil 360 as soon as the red bottle is empty.

  • is it safe to bring on carry-on luggage for travel?

    • Hi, Jose. As of right now STA-BIL is not approved for airplane travels/transport.

  • Why do we not see the STA-BIL product added in gasoline we buy at the pump?

  • I use a lead additive in my collector car. I also use Stabil storage when the car is driven during summer months and when the car is stored. I do not want to be purchasing two bottles of different Stabil products because of cost and limited useage.

    Can I use Stabil 360 year round without losing fuel system protection when the car is in storage?

    Can I use Stabil 360 safely with lead additives.

    My state is moving to E 85. Is Stabil developing a product that will make E85 safe for use in 50 year old engines?

    • Hi, David. We recommend to checkout the STA-BIL 360 Protection. You can use at every fill-up and it can be used in all fuel, expect for diesel. Also, this will keep your fuel fresh for storage up to 12 months. If you have further questions please contact our Consumer Support Team at

  • so you answered the question about kero,, yeo didn,t see a nope anywhere

  • There’s always gonna be naysayers….just proves their ignorance. Proof is in the pudding people WE LOVE YOU STA BIL ❤️

  • Does Premium Gas contain a fuel stabilizer?

    • Hello! We still recommend to use a fuel stabilizer in premium gas to keep it fresh and clean. If you have any other questions please contact our Consumer Support Team at

  • I used Sta-bil in my motorcycle. I had health issues for 3 years and when I came back the bike wouldn’t run. When the carbs were disassembled there was a green powdery substance all through them. The carbs have yet to be made right again due to inaccessible passages being filled with this ceramic like green deposit. No cleaner removes this green stuff. I attribute it to the Sta-bil drying up. I’ve used Sta-bil for years and this is the first time I’ve left it this long and had such a devastating problem. Deposits were historically brown.tan and varnish like and easily washed out with good cleaners. I guess like everything else these days, products just aren’t what they used to be. From the fuel itself to the off the shelf
    products .Oh I will add that a powerful ultrasonic cleaner with an acidic and detergent fluid removed the green but damaged the aluminum.

    • Hello, Doug. STA-BIL Storage will only keep fuel fresh for up to 24 months. After that we recommend to either use the fuel or drain it and then restart the storage process. So if your car was sitting for 3 years or longer with the same fuel, we can not guarantee best results. Also, STA-BIL has a shelf life of 2 years once you open the bottle. If you happen to see any sediment/varnish then we do not recommend to use and dispose of it properly. Which this typically only happens if a bottle is past the shelf life for a awhile. For your reference, all STA-BIL products are manufactured in the United States (Chicago, IL). If you have any other questions please feel free to contact our Consumer Support Team at We would be happy to assist and answer any other questions or concerns you may have.

  • Last summer I prepared 10 gallons of non-ethanol gasoline for the emergency generator. Can I now use it my car? The 2015 Ford Explorer owner’s manual says to stay away from manganese based compounds and methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT). Thank you.

    • Hi, Roger. Yes, it’s perfectly OK to use that fuel in your vehicle. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Does ethanol-free gas need to be stabilized in a warm dry climate?

  • Do I need both the red Sta-Bil and the 360 for water protection and to counter the ethanol? If not is there any advantage of one over the other for controlling those two issues? Thanks.

    • Hi. No. You can simply use the STA-BIL 360 Protection as does keep fuel fresh up to 12 months as well as tackling ethanol-related issues. The only reason I would recommend combining with STA-BIL Storage is if you are looking to store your fuel for more than a year –up to 2 years. Hope this is useful. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at Thanks for the question!

  • Stabil itself has a limited shelf life of two years.

  • Hi, I’m doing a project for school and was wondering what the freezing temperature for sta-bil fuel stabilizer was. Thank you!

    • Hi. According to the STA-BIL Stabilizer’s Safety Data Sheet, there is no freezing point. However, as a general rule, we recommend storing the product above 32°F, just in case there is some condensation in the bottle. Hope this helps. If there are any other questions, please let us know. Thanks for the question!

  • I was told that your product works by separating and coats the top of the fuel thin layer to keep out h2o but if you move it around or bump it it does not reseal again. Is this true? Thanks

    • Hi. This is not true. Water removers work by diluting themselves in the fuel, attracting any water accumulation, breaking it into very small particles and keeping it suspension. So, when this water is expelled during combustion safely (when the fuel is burned out). Hope this clarifies it. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at Thanks for the question!

  • How do I restart a Sta-Bil FOGGED engine in the spring? I’ve used Sta-Bil gasoline fuel stabilizer for years successfully but would like to fog as well this fall 2019. What do I do in Spring 2020?

    • Hi. To start a fogged engine, simply start the engine as you would normally. The fogging will not impede ignition. Hope this helps! If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at Thanks for the question!

  • Have had gas non ethenol gas stored 14 mos w sta bil . Can I add more sta bil or should I use up as fast as I can? Have about 50 gal. Or can should I start using up in car to get gone. Have it for port generator

    • Hi. If your non-ethanol fuel was treated with STA-BIL Storage (red formula), then you still have about 10 months left since this formula keeps it stabilized for at least 24 months. If you used any of the STA-BIL 360 formulas, then we recommend using that fuel as soon as possible or drain and start fresh. Adding more STA-BIL will not extend storage. You can always use this fuel in your vehicle as long as it uses that grade of octane (87, 91, etc.). Hope this helps. If there are any other questions, please contact Consumer Support at Thanks for the question!

  • Can I use sta-bil marine in my small engine lawn equipment and 2 cycle equipment

    • Yes, you can certainly use STA-BIL 360 Marine on any small engine as long as it runs on gasoline (ethanol or not) and 2-cycle mixes. The challenge would be in measuring such a small dosage amount since only 1oz per 10 gallons is needed. Therefore, the best recommendation we can make is trying STA-BIL 360 Protection, which is specifically designed for small engines and vehicles. Hope this helps. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at Thanks for the question!

  • Is it safe to add Sta-Bil to an almost empty motorcycle gas tank then ride the motorcycle about five miles to a gas station to fill the tank? If so, will the entire tank of fuel be preserved when the tank is filled?

    • Hi. STA-BIL is not combustible and there may be a risk of over-dosing. Therefore, it is recommended to add STA-BIL after fueling up. This can be done at the pump or once you make it back home. Hope that helps. If there are any questions please feel free to contact us at Thanks for the question!

  • Does Sta Bil in its original container ever “go bad”? I have some that’s 4-5 years old… Thanks!

    • Hi. Yes, it is recommended that STA-BIL® Brand be used within 4 years from the date of manufacture unopened and 2 years after once it is opened to ensure the best results. At this point, I would recommend treating with a fresh bottle. If there are any questions, please contact us at Thanks for the question!

  • I have heard that Sta Bil creates a film that floats on top of the fuel to keep it fresh and that letting the fuel sit for a while and then shaking the container disperses the film. After the film has been dispersed it won’t re-form and it is necessary to treat the fuel again. Is this accurate?

    • Hi. No, STA-BIL® does not create a “film” over fuel. This is a myth that has been going around for quite some time. STA-BIL® Brand works by diluting itself completely into the fuel and prevents it from oxidizing (go stale). It will not separate from the fuel at any point and there is no need to shake it to keep it effective. This is a one-time treatment, meaning that after the stabilization period has come to an end (12-24 months depending on the formula), the fuel should be used as soon as possible or discarded properly. Hope that helps. If there are any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at Thanks for the question!

  • It has an expiration date and is no good after a certain amount of time

  • I use Sta-bil in an antique truck and in all my small engines. I’m using non-ethanol fuel. (On very rare occasions, I use E10, but make a point of using it up quickly when I do.) Most of these engines seldom go more than 3 months sitting idle, though a couple may go 6 months, and occasionally up to a year, maybe slightly more, if there is an issue with the equipment I haven’t gotten around to fixing. I try to make a point of storing my tanks almost full, but that doesn’t always happen.

    What is the best Sta-bil product for me to use in my gasoline? I’ve used Sta-bil storage, Sta-bil 360˚, or Sta-bil 360˚ Marine, depending on what happens to be in stock at my local dealer. Given my situation, is there a reason to choose one over the other? I could check other stores for the different types, but it seems a number of the dealers in my area are out of one or more types at any given time.

    • Hi. Although any of our gasoline stabilizer formulas would work in your antique vehicles and small engines, I would recommend sticking with STA-BIL 360 Protection. Not only will it keep the fuel fresh for at least 12 months, but also help in minimizing corrosion and condensation issues –especially if you are running ethanol-blended fuel. It also has a full fuel system cleaner that will help keep your gasoline engines performing at their best. Hope that helps! Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing

      • Thanks for the quick reply. Is there a reason to prefer STA-BIL 360 Protection over STA-BIL 360 Marine in my applications? I’m using up a bottle of 360 Marine right now, and will switch to 360 Protection when that is done. I’m just curious what influenced the choice of one over the other.

        • Choosing the right formula depends on the benefits you are looking for while storing your equipment, vehicles, or marine engines. Both formulas keep fuel fresh and minimize ethanol-related issues. However, STA-BIL 360 Protection focuses on keeping the fuel system clean and improves performance while STA-BIL 360 Marine manages condensation and water removal more efficiently. In small engines and vehicles, it is our experience that keeping the fuel system clean and operating at peak performance is more beneficial than water removal. Both formulas can be used interchangeably in all gasoline and 2-cycle engines. Hope that clarifies it. As always, please contact us if you have any other questions.

  • Which Sta-Bil product should I use to prolong NON-ethanol gasoline used in my small four stroke engines? Which Sta-Bill product should I use to prolong NON-ethanol 50:1 Tru-Gas used in my two stroke machines? Thank you.

    • Hi Albert. You can always treat your non-ethanol fuel with STA-BIL Storage. It is also effective in all 2-cycle mixes. Hope this helps. If there are any questions, please feel free to click on the “Help” button and let us know. Thanks for the question!

  • Is Sta-bil safe to carry in airline checked baggage? It is difficult and expensive to find in Mexico.

    • Hi Dave. No. Unfortunately, STA-BIL® Branded Products are not cleared for air travel. If there are any questions, please free to contact us by clicking on the “Help” button or going at the bottom of our website and click on “Consumer Support”.

  • Can I use Stabil Storage in my outboard (marine) during storage?

    • Hi. You sure can! STA-BIL° Storage will keep that fuel stabilized for at least 24 months. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

  • I am curious about whether existing sta-bil treated fuel will benefit from adding an additional half dose (or other suitable amount) after a year of storage. The purpose here would be to insure good fuel for another 7 months.

    • Hi. Unfortunately, adding more STA-BIL® will not extend the life of the fuel from the original treatment date. However, If you used STA-BIL® Storage (pink formula), that fuel should be good for at least 24 months. Hope that helps. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at

  • Does Sta Bil lower octane?

    • No. STA-BIL® Brand does not affect fuel’s octane rating (for better or worse). If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at Thanks for the question!

  • Can Sta-bil be stored in cold temperatures prior to mixing with gasoline?

    • Hi. Yes. STA-BIL® Brand products can be stored in very low temperatures as long as the cap is tightly secured and can be used immediately. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us at Thanks for the question!

      • Thank you so much!

  • A co-worker told me that if I use premium has (93 octain), then I don’t need any fuel stabilizer for long term storage in my lawn tractor.

    • This is untrue. All fuel, no matter the octane rating, ethanol or non-ethanol blend, or oil blend (2-cycle), will eventually oxidize and go stale. STA-BIL® Brand products will ensure that this fuel will stay in optimal condition -especially during long-term storage.

  • Will Sta-bil work if my car has already sat for 2 years? Will it help if I put it in the tank now?

    • It will not fix bad fuel, however it will keep new fuel fresh!

  • I have a Rhino and a TTR125L. They sit in a storage space. I keep dumping a little Stabil in periodically. Can I put too much in?

    • Hi. STA-BIL® Stabilizers are designed to be added only one time. Adding more will not extend storage time (1-2 years, depending on the formula). While overdosage is safe, we still do not recommend adding more than 3 times the recommended amount. Hope this helps. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us!

  • Does Stabil degrade the octane rating of the fuel over time? if so how much over how long? Basically will my 93 octane fuel still be 93 octane after 6 months of storage using Stabil?

    • Hi. STA-BIL® Brand Stabilizers have no effect on a fuel’s octane rating. The octane will diminish naturally as time passes, even when stabilized. That is one of the reasons why we do not recommend storing fuel for more than 2 years at a time. Hope this helps. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us!

      • So over a course of say six months or so there should be no effect really on the octane? Thanks!

        • The octane rating will be affected only slightly. Stabilizing the fuel slows down the oxidation process, which is what actually affects octane loss (among other factors such as engine maintenance and storing conditions). Hope this helps. As always, please feel free to contact us if there are any questions!

  • Hello, can I use a fuel system treatment like Tectron at the same time/in the same tank as Stabil?

    • Yes. STA-BIL® Brand is compatible with virtually all other additives. However, we do recommend adhering to the recommended dosage amount for each. Also, it is a good idea to avoid combining too many additives. Hope this helps. If there are any questions, please feel free to let us know.

  • Is there a Sta-bil product for K-1 kerosene?

    • We currently don’t have a product that we would recommend for use with K-1 kerosene. Please let us know if we can help in any other way though!

  • Is STA Bil Storage safe for 2018 and 2019 Vehicles that you intend to leave in storage for two months? Will it harm fuel systems or sensors of new cars?

    Will overdosing by an ounce or two hurt the new cars?

    • It is safe for all gas engine vehicles. It would be perfect for that use and overdosing won’t hurt it!

  • ..why does the 4 oz bottle of Sta-Bil 360 Protection only treat 50 gallon of gasoline, when charts on the website states 4 oz will treat 20 gallons??…feeling a little hood winked

    • We actually have two different formulations of 4oz. One is more concentrated than the other leading to different treat rates.

  • In winter I might only ride once a week, so a tankful of gas will last over a month – to keep system clean, I have been adding Stabil storage to stop gunk building in carbie [my last repair bill was $600 for fouled carbie] owing to petrol going off.
    Will I do harm to my motor by riding with Stabil all through Winter? This must be a problem to many riders in the colder months .. appreciate a response to my email.. With thanks, Edward.

    • Running your motor with STA-BIL in the fuel won’t cause any harm, even in the colder months!

  • for a pressure waher using regular gasoline with 10 percent ethanol which product is best

  • Can you use stabil storage and stabil marine 360 together for prolonged protection? ( Boat doesn’t get used often ).
    Asking because stabil storage lasts 24 months, and stabil marine only 12 months. Also it seems they have diffierent properties for different protection. Thanks.

    • Combining the two stabilizers won’t add to the overall duration. If you’re looking to store for longer than 2 years we’d recommend draining the entire fuel system.

  • But does it form a layer and lose it’s effectiveness when disturbed? For example, in protection from oxygen?

    • Disturbing it will not change the effectiveness. It can’t be broken down by jostling it

  • If I put 10 oz of Stabil to 20 gal of gas will it harm anything

    • Over-treating it won’t be harmful so no worries

  • Is it safe to use Sta-bil storage in my vehicle and still drive it roughly 25 miles per month?

    • Yes, there’ll be no problems even if you still use the gas

  • I have stored a car in our garage in Florida March 2020 and won’t be returning to Florida until Co Vid is safe. How long will my gas be protected?

    • If you used our Red Storage product it should keep fuel fresh for up to two years. Our Amber 360 will keep it fresh for up to 12 months.

  • My mom put sta-bil in her one-year old snow blower in the summer and stored it in her shed. Now it won’t start and the repair guy told her that the sta-bil turned gunky (technical term) and he can’t find parts to repair the motor. Is this true? Does the heat turn the sta-bil into gunky gel?

    • Heat shouldn’t have that effect on any of our stabilizers.

  • I have used your products for gasoline and Diesel fuel, and have never had an issue from treated fuel.
    Fuel specific treatments are much safer than those so called “super all fuel ” additives that smell as if they contain acetone.
    I add the treatment to the gas/Diesel can before going to get fuel, and only fill my containers when the additive has been added before hand so no untreated fuel is stored.
    I use ounce of Sta-Bil to 1 gallon of 2-cycle mixed fuel and have never had a fuel issue, maintained reliable starts in all weather, and fuel components, such as fuel lines do not become brittle after 1 year of use.

  • Does Sta-bil lower the octane?

  • Re.: Fuel Stabilizer Myths

    I happened across this Q/A exchange at:

    Q: How does fuel stabilizer work chemically?

    A: The fuel stabilizer actually separates from the gasoline after you let it sit for a while and forms a film on top separating the air from the gas, preventing the gas from oxidizing and picking up moisture from the air.

  • Not a myth but a question. Ever since I used stabil360 in my wifes 2005 chrysler crossfire the car emits a strange exhaust smell that I can only describe as melting plastic. The car never did this before. Any thoughts or have you had others describe this? Thank you

  • QUESTION: does the octane number INCREASE in stored gasoline?
    The more volatile fractions (ie butane) in gasoline will evaporate faster than the heavier ones; so would this mean an 87 regular gasoline would eventually become a 93 premium gasoline after several months/year?

  • Hello, can I use stabil in a gas can to sit in the car for several months or does it need to be added into a motor right away?

    • I just noticed my typo. I meant to sit in a gas can OUT of the car for several months or does it need to be run through the motor?

  • What myth have I heard? I hear that Sta-Bil works! LOL, Not only I heard, I also have been using that “Red” stuff for years without one single problem… and for several of my none-DIY friends, I have been buying the Sta-Bil as Christmas gifts to them (yes, I am a cheap friend to have)…

  • too much stabil fuel conditioner can lean out the fuel octane and make the engine run very rough
    by accident twice the recommended amount was put into the gas tank

  • I spilled sta-bil in the tires. Will it damage the rubber?

  • Sta-Bil is a good product to extend fuel shelf life, but…

    Ethanol is often blamed for carb corrosion because it is thought to “cause” water to end up in gasoline. This is 99% false and this debilitating lie is likely promoted by a petroleum industry that fears marketing loss to cleaner fuels.

    The truth is that ethanol absorbs condensation that occurs in fuel tanks, prevents it from icing up supply and thereby renders the water harmless, whereas in pure gasoline, a puddle of separate condensed water will immediately sink to the bottom tank outlet, probably cause corrosion and block fuel that the engine needs. In fact, in cooler climates, pure gasoline often needs ethanol added to melt gas line ice or prevent sputtering fuel delivery from a water-logged carburetor bowl.

    The rare <1% instance where ethanol does attract water, is in tanks not yet EPA sealed from evaporation to the atmosphere. The alcohol in unsealed tanks can directly absorb additional moisture from the atmosphere continuously until the ethanol is saturated. After the ethanol becomes saturated, the contaminated fuel supply only then behaves like mere, unprotected gasoline and is subject to causing corrosion and other shortcomings associated with pre-EPA pure gas standards.

  • how long can sta bil lasr on the shelf

    • It is recommended to use the product within 4 years from date of manufacture or 2 years once the bottle has been opened.

  • Is it safe to mix stabil and sea foam? They seem roughly the same but each has something the other doesn’t. I want to mix stabilizer with sea foam in all my stored cans for my dads tractor. Any reason not to do this? (Other than redundancy and cost…)

    • Yes, this formula is compatible with most additives. Please keep in mind that when mixing products, it is recommended to closely follow dosage amounts. Hope this helps!

  • My gallon jug of Sta-Bil Diesel appears to have separated. There are clear gel like substances in the bottom of the jug. Some are small particles while others have collected in larger chunks of gel. Is this normal and is this still safe to use in my truck?

    • These particles may indicate that the product could be ineffective. It is recommended not to be used if there are any flakes, sludge or separation, and discard properly. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us directly.